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Queue commands

These commands are used for managing the queue inside of threads

They are per-user based which means only the OP and their companions can use it.


/queue join [user]

  • Joins user's queue if the command is run in a text channel
  • Joins OP's queue if the command is run in a thread


/queue toggle

This turns on or off the queue for the current thread or all text channels.


/queue show [user]

graph LR
  A{User provided?}
  A -->|Yes| B{Command is in thread?}
  A -->|No| C{Command is in thread?}
  B -->|Yes| D[Set user as OP]
  D --> E[Show queue only to executor]
  B -->|No| F[Show queue only to executor]
  C -->|Yes| G{Can manage queue?}
  C -->|No| H[Set user to command executor]
  H --> I[Show queue to everyone]
  G -->|Yes| J[Show queue to everyone]
  G -->|No| K[Show queue only to executor]


/queue next

This command removes the next user and does the following actions: - If theres a code, it will be DMd to the next user with the code. - If the bot isn't in the server where the command is ran, it will notify the user via DMs


The bot will also DM the user if the bot isn't in the server!

Remove (1)

  1. This command can be ran by moderators!

/queue remove <place>

Use this command to remove the user in the place number you put, if a code is set it will remove them without sending the code.


/queue leave

Allows a user to leave the queue. This command can be executed by any user in the queue to remove themselves from the current queue.


/queue clear

Clears the entire queue for the current thread or text channel. This command can only be executed by the OP or their companions.